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Setting up tax details

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Setting up tax details

The product or service that you sell may attract taxes; you can specify all those taxes in tax settings.

Adding taxes in the settings page make the process of adding the product/service very simple. The taxes added here are shown in a drop down while adding a product/service; all you have to do is select the appropriate tax that applies to that product or service. This saves you from entering the tax details again and again for each and every product.

To add a new tax :

  • Click on the "Settings" at the top right corner.
  • Click on the "Tax settings" link on the left side.
  • Fill in the details for the fields tabulated below.
  • To add a new row in the table you can use the "Add New Tax" link.
  • Use "X" at the left of the table to delete the rows.
  • Click on the "Save" button to save the changes; alternatively you can click on "Save & Next" to save and proceed with the next setting.
Field Name Description
Tax ID Identifier for the tax that you have to pay.
Percentage The tax percentage.
Apply On This field is used to specify whether the tax is a compound/stacked tax (eg: QST, PST). If the tax is a compound tax select "Item Amount + Tax1" as value for this field and specify this tax as "Tax2" while associating it to the item or else select "Item Amount" as value for this field. For details refer the example below


In certain provinces you are required to charge two taxes, the best example is GST (Goods and Services Tax) and PST (Provincial Sales Tax).

GST is generally charged on the selling price before PST, whereas PST depending on the province may be charged either on the selling price or on the total of selling price plus GST. Now you can handle both these scenarios easily in Zoho Invoice.

Scenario1: PST is charged on the selling price + GST

Item/Service Price $100.00
GST @ 5% $5.00
Sub Total $105.00
PST @ 7% $7.35
Total $112.35

To achieve the above scenario, add two taxes (PST & GST) in the tax settings, for the "Apply On" field select "Item Amount" for GST and "Item Amount + Tax1" for PST and associate them to the item for which the tax has to be calculated. While associating the taxes to the item specify GST as Tax1 and PST as Tax2.

Scenario2: PST is charged on the selling price

Item/Service Price $100.00
GST @ 5% $5.00
PST @ 7% $7.00
Total $112.00

To achieve the above scenario, add two taxes (PST & GST) in the tax settings, for the "Apply On" field select "Item Amount" for both these taxes and associate them to the item as Tax1 & Tax2 for which the tax has to be calculated.

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