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Adding a new Invoice

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Adding an Invoice

To add a new invoice, do the following -

  • Click on the "Invoice" tab.
  • Click on the "New Invoice" button on the left side.
  • Fill in the details for the fields tabulated below.
  • Click on the "Save" button
Field Description Additional Details
Select Customer Select the customer to whom you want to invoice, from the drop down list.

If the customer is not already present, you can use the “+” button to quickly add a new customer.

Alternatively you can add your customers using the “Add Customer” option in customer tab, before adding an invoice so that they are readily available in the dropdown list while adding a new invoice.

Invoice Date The date on which the invoice is raised.

Invoice # The unique number to represent this invoice. Refer Invoice number configuration for details.
P.O# The purchase order number

Terms The credit period that you plan to offer your customer. Refer payment terms configuration for details.
Due Date This is a non-editable field; the value will be automatically filled by the system based on the value selected for the "Terms" field.

Item The product/service that you are selling as part of this invoice.

Description The description for the product or service that your selling. If you have given a description while adding the item, then this will be automatically filled by the system.
Qty Number of items that you are selling, in case of service this field will represent the number of hours you have serviced.

Rate The listed price of the product, in case of service this will be the hourly rate.

Discount The discount (in %) that you are planning to offer the customer. If you are not planning to offer any discounts then leave this field blank. If this field is left blank for the items in the invoice, then this field will not appear on the generated invoice.
Tax1 You can specify up to two taxes for the product/service. This field represents the first tax. If you have specified tax for the item while adding it, then this will field will be automatically filled up by the system.
Tax2 You can specify up to two taxes for the product/service. This field represents the second tax. If you have specified tax for the item while adding it, then this will field will be automatically filled up by the system.
Add New Line This will add another row in the item table.

Customer Message The message you want to include in the invoice for the customer. If the message you want to include is a generic one and if you want this to be part of all the invoices that you generate, then you can configure the same in invoice preferences.
Terms & Conditions The terms and conditions that you want to include in the invoice. If the terms and conditions are generic for all the invoices, then you can configure the same in invoice preferences.

For any other queries or information, feel free to contact us any time at support at zohoinvoice dot com

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