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Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions in Zoho Invoice. Please feel free to contact us if you don't find answers to the questions you have.

What are the prerequisites for using Zoho Invoice?

Zoho Invoice is software given as service through the internet (SAAS - Software As A Service). All you need to use this service is a personal computer with internet connection. Of-course you will need a browser, for which we recommend Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Do you have a document to help me get started with your service?

Please check our online user manual.

Do you provide any online tutorial or training?

If you need further assistance contact us at support at zohoinvoice dot com

Can I sign up for a trial?

We do provide free accounts, meaning you can sign up and use the service without paying for it. Also there is no time period associated with it (free forever :-)). You can use this to try our service. After trying it, if you are happy, you can choose to continue with the same or upgrade to one of our premium plans.

What is the limitation if I use the free account?

The one and only limitation with the free account is that, you will not be able to send more than five invoices per month.

Can I rebrand the service, that is can I replace the logo that appears on the screen during the service usage?

Refer Changing Service Logo for details.

How do I change the logo on the invoices?

Refer Changing Invoice Logo for details.

While adding a new invoice, it is shown that the invoice number will be automatically generated. How do I change this configuration?

You can either specify the invoice number manually or you can have the system generate the invoice number. For details refer Invoice Preferences settings.

Can you describe the logic behind invoice number generation?

Refer Invoice Preferences settings for details. You will also find Invoice Number Example helpful.

Can you explain the various status of invoice - when and how they change?

Refer Invoice Life Cycle document for details.

Do you support auto-billing or recurring invoices?

Yes, we do support auto-billing/recurring invoices.

Do you store all the E-mails that are sent through the service?

We don't store the E-mails that are sent through the service. We do have plans to do it, if this is a high priority feature to you, give us a buzz to help us prioritize this feature.

Can the system send overdue reminders automatically?

Zoho Invoice can send overdue reminders, but they have to be sent manually.

Does the system support multiple currencies?

Yes, we support raising invoices or quotes/estimates in multiple currencies.

How do I see the invoices that I have sent?

The invoices that you have sent to your customers through the system are listed under "Open Invoices". To look at the "Open Invoices" -

  • Click on the "Invoice" tab.
  • Click on the "Open Invoices" link on the left.
  • This will list all the invoices that you have sent your customers.
  • Remember the invoices that are past the due date are listed in the "Overdue Invoices" section.
  • The invoices for which full payment has been received are listed in "Closed Invoices" section.

How do I see the invoices that are past the due date?

The invoices that are past the due date are listed under "Overdue Invoices". To look at the "Over Invoices" -

  • Click on the "Invoice" tab.
  • Click on the "Overdue Invoices" link on the left.
  • This will list all the invoices that are overdue.

How do I see the invoices that I have created, but not yet sent?

The invoices that are yet to be sent to the customers are listed under "Draft Invoices". To look at the "Draft Invoices" -

  • Click on the "Invoice" tab.
  • Click on the "Draft Invoices" link on the left.
  • This will list all the invoices that are yet to be sent.

Any tips to invoice faster?

Listed below are some tips, which will help you invoice faster.

  • Enable auto generation of Invoice Number. Refer Invoice Preferences for details.
  • Add the list of items (your product or service) to the system and have them ready before invoicing. This helps you from the pain of entering the product or service information again and again while adding a new invoice.
  • Add the customers to whom you invoice your product or service. This list again avoids the pain of entering the customer information during invoice addition.
  • Specify your payment terms while adding customer, so that you need not bother about it while adding invoice.
  • Set up a generic customer message in your Invoice Preferences. You can customize it on those invoices, on which it is really necessary.
  • Set up your invoice "Terms & Conditions" in your Invoice Preferences.
  • Set up your product or service taxes (if any) in the tax settings and specify the same while adding the product or service.
  • Customize the e-mail templates and have them ready.

Hope the above tips are useful. Let us know if you are looking for anything specific.

Does your service also help me track customer payments?

Yes, Zoho Invoice help track customer payments. It demarcates the un-paid invoices from the ones for which payment has been received. It tracks the amount paid and the outstanding balance for each and every invoice. Over and above tracking customer payments, Zoho Invoice also help receive payment online.

Can Zoho Invoice help receive payments online?

If you have an account with one of the online payment service provider that we support, we can help you receive online payments from your customers.

What are the online payment service providers that you support?

Currently we have support for PayPal, Google Checkout and Authorize.net; we do have plans to support other payment service providers. If you want us to integrate support for any particular payment service provider, give us a buzz. This will help us prioritize.

What do you mean when you say "help receive online payment"? What does Zoho Invoice do in specific?

When you have an account with one of the online payment service provider that we support and have specified the same in Zoho Invoice, we can embed the "online payment" link in the invoices that we sent to your customers, thereby making it easy for them to make the payment. Also we track and verify the payment with your service provider. Once the payment is verified, we adjust the invoice and customer balances in the system and also notify you about the same.

What are the configurations that I have to do in Zoho Invoice so that it integrates smoothly with my payment service provider?

The configuration is very specific to each and every service provider. For the list of supported online payment service providers and configuration details visit - Supported Online Payment Service Providers. If your service provider is not in the supported list, give us a buzz, we can prioritize and add support for that service provider.

Can you help me create a new PayPal account?

You can get details about creating new PayPal account from PayPal website.

How do I subscribe to Zoho Invoice?

Visit our Subscription & Pricing page and choose the plan that's right for you.

Can you give more details on your subscription and pricing?

Please visit Subscription & Pricing for details.

I have forgot my password, how do I sign-in again?

Click on the "Forgot Password" link in the "Sign In" area and follow the instructions.

How do I change my password?

Login to the service, click on the "My Account" link at the top. You can change your password and other details on the page that comes up.

Will my data be safe?

For details on data and its security visit Data Security

For any other queries or information, feel free to contact us any time at support at zohoinvoice dot com

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