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Invoice Template

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Using invoice templates

To make your job of invoice generation easy, we have added support for invoice templates. We have two types of templates-

Pre-defined or readymade invoice templates:

These are the invoice templates that are bundled along with the service. If you want to generate invoices in one of these formats, all you have to do is select that particular template for the “template” field while creating your invoice. We have about twelve readymade invoice templates in the service which you can put to use.

Create invoice

Setting a template as the default template:

You can also set a particular template as your default template, so that your invoices are automatically created in that format. To save a particular template as your default template do the following-

  • Click on the “Settings” link at the top of the page.
  • Click on the “templates” under “Invoice Settings”.
  • In the “Invoice Templates” page that comes up click on the appropriate tab.
  • All the templates it that category will be displayed now use the option in the header of the template, select it to make it the default one.
Iinvoice settings

Custom invoice templates:

If your requirements are bit unique and are not meet by the readymade templates, you can create your own custom template and use it for your invoices. Using custom invoice templates, you have full control over the layout, look and feel of the invoices.

These custom templates are nothing but HTML files, with some special placeholders which Zoho Invoice can understand. These placeholders are read and replaced by Zoho Invoice while generating invoices. To use these custom templates, all you have to do is the following-

Creating your custom invoice template:

Follow the steps below to create you custom invoice template:
  • Click on the “Settings” link at the top of the page.
  • In the settings page, click on the “Templates” under “Invoice Settings” on the left.
  • In the “Invoice Templates” page that comes up click on the “Custom Template” tab.
  • Now click on the “Add Template” button.
  • In the “Add new Custom Template” page, give a name and description for your new template, select the pre-defined template that closely resembles your requirement and click on “Create New” button.
  • The above action will take you to the custom template editor, where you can customize the template based on your requirement and save it.
  • Alternatively you can copy the source code from the custom template editor to your favorite HTML editor and edit it there.
  • After editing the source, save it by clicking on the “Save” button.

Your custom template is now ready for use. You can use this as a template while creating new invoices. You also have the option to make it your default template

Setting a template for your invoices:

While creating a new invoices, all the pre-defined templates and your custom templates are displayed in a dropdown. You can select a template from that dropdown so that your invoices will be formatted accordingly.

Create invoice

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