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Recurring Invoices

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Recurring Invoices

What are recurring Invoices?

Recurring invoices are those invoices that are sent periodically at a specified frequency - weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or based on no. of days. These invoices are useful in cases where you have to bill the same customer on a periodical basis for a particular service. Good use cases for recurring invoices includes invoices sent for hosting services, rent, website advertisements etc.,


Let’s say I have a website frequented by web designers and web developers and make money by selling ads in that website. Now assuming I charge $100 per ad for a 30 day period, I have to create invoices manually for each and every advertiser every 30 days.

This may look simple, but may get complex as the number of ads increases. Say for example if I have about 20 advertisers, I have to create 20 invoices every 30 days.

This is where recurring invoices can help. Using recurring invoices you can automate the process of creating and sending these periodical invoices. All you have to do is to create a recurring profile and associate it to the advertiser when he/she starts advertising and then stop the profile when the advertiser stops the ads. For further details refer the links below-

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